Won’t you become part of our Minnesota FoodShare Mission?

The scope of the March Campaign is to help keep 300 Minnesota food shelves stocked throughout the year.  It is the largest grassroots food and fund drive in Minnesota.  Thanks to businesses, schools, churches and individuals, the goals can be accomplished.


How can you help? 

•      Pray for the end of food insecurity.

•      Write a check to Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign.
Financial donations are stretched when food shelves purchase items most needed in their community through
discount purchasing programs and food banks.         

•       Donate healthy food items - make it a family project.

  What is needed most?

 Food Items

  • Canned chicken and tuna

  • Peanut butter

  • Cooking oil

  • Boxes of hot and cold cereals

  • Canned fruit and juices

  • Canned vegetables

  • Rice

  • Ethnic foods

Personal Items

  • Shampoo

  • Toothpaste

  • Bath soap

  • Diapers

  • Feminine products

  • Laundry detergent

Please place your financial donations in the specially marked envelopes in the pews and next to the collection boxes in the narthex, donate online in the St. James Weekly Update or drop off your food donation at church.

Many Thanks!

March is Minnesota FoodShare Month

 For 41 years, Minnesota FoodShare has been partnering with local food shelves to help neighbors in need. The March Campaign is the only one of its kind and raises almost half the food distributed annually by 300 food shelves. Every dollar donated to Minnesota FoodShare during the March Campaign goes directly to food shelves to purchase food for the hungry.  

St. James has a rich history of supporting this worthy cause by donating many pounds of food and thousands of dollars locally to Dakota and Scott Counties. 

We encourage you to consider giving this month.  Food donations are always welcome.  Envelopes are available in the pews for cash donations.  Cash donations allow food banks to purchase in bulk which stretches your monetary gift.

Thank you in advance for helping!