\“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.” – Matthew 16:18
It’s Peter Pebble Time!
This program was started at St. James in 1976 as way to create an incentive for Sunday School children to memorize Bible verses, excerpts from the Lutheran Book of Worship, prayers, and portions of Luther’s Small Catechism.
For over 48 years volunteers at St. James have been painting pictures on rocks and lettering each with a Bible verse. These beautifully painted “Peter Pebbles” are earned by students from age 3 to Grade 5 who memorize the specific assignment for their grade.
Each week during the Sunday School hour, students can recite their memory work and choose a Peter Pebble as a reward.
Students have until May to memorize their assignment and earn a Peter Pebble. This program is not a mandatory requirement, but we hope you will encourage your child(ren) to participate and work towards earning their very own Peter Pebble.
Click here for memory work