Reaching Out to Others

Will you help others see and hear better?


St. James is again collecting old eyeglasses and hearing aides and sending them to those in need. The eyeglass collection is an International Lions Club service project started over 55 years ago. They also collect hearing aides. The glasses deemed usable are sorted, processed and placed in inventory for distribution to optical missions around the world.

St. James has been given a new plastic receptacle located on the shelf just outside the Idunda Room. We will collect eyeglasses and hearing aides year round but are making a special October appeal to bring awareness to this Outreach.

What more is there to know?

  • Prescription glasses only - no cases

  • Sunglasses of any kind are accepted

  • Boxes placed in churches, businesses and schools are emptied monthly

  • Online worshippers can drop theirs off during church hours

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