Preview of the Word for Sunday, April 21

Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year B

Question to Ponder is an invitation to prepare your hearts and minds for worship this coming Sunday. Read the scripture below by looking it up in your Bible or simply clicking the link. Reflect silently on the question, journal, or talk about the question with a friend. Come to worship on Sunday at 8am or 9:30am ready to receive God’s Word.


Introduction to the Readings
The image of the good shepherd shows us how the risen Christ brings us to life. It is the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep, one of mutual knowledge and love, that gives the shepherd authority. The shepherd’s willingness to lay down his life for the sheep shows his love. First John illustrates what it means to lay down our lives for one another by the example of sharing our wealth with any sibling in need.

Acts 4:5-12 Salvation in the name of Jesus
John 10:11-18 Christ the shepherd

Question to Ponder*
Compare and contrast the Good Shepherd, the hired hand and the wolf, and ponder the differences. (John 10:11-18)

Closing Prayer
O Lord Christ, good shepherd of the sheep, you seek the lost and guide us into your fold. Feed us, and we shall be satisfied; heal us, and we shall be whole. Make us one with you, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

*Question to Ponder provided by Working Preacher
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