Hello St. James!

My name is Lamont Koerner. In collaboration with the Saint Paul Area Synod staff, your council has invited me to serve as your Intentional Interim Pastor during this time of leadership transition. More about what that means as we begin to work together.


Tuesday, October 11, was my first official day at St. James.  It was a day filled with tours and detailed information, but it was also much more. What fun to begin meeting key staff and hearing some of their stories and their experiences in this faith community.


I am very much looking forward to the opportunity of getting to know as many of you as possible in the course of our time together. While I know you have already received some information about me – mostly work history stuff, I thought you might like to know a bit more about who I am.


I am a North Dakota kid. My parents were teachers and took jobs at a country school in rural Williston when I was in the second grade. We lived in Williston through my high school years. In North Dakota kids are allowed to drive as early as 13, if there is a reason, like having a job.


Getting a license to drive was a strong incentive for me to start working early. By the time I was in eighth grade I began working in the feedlots of the local meat packing plant. I continued to work there through high school, moving up to working in the boning and breaking room and eventually even on the kill floor. Packing plant jobs provided the money I needed to attend college. There’s your extra slice of my story for now.


My role with St. James is ¾ time. My weekly schedule will be focused on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and of course, Sunday mornings. Specific hours will be determined in the next week or two. You can reach me at the church office: 952-890-4534 or by email at PastorLamont@StJamesLC.com my mobile number is 651-303-9738.


Grace & Peace,

Pastor Lamont