4th Sunday of Advent, Year C
Question to Ponder is an invitation to prepare your hearts and minds for worship this coming Sunday. Read the scripture below by looking it up in your Bible or simply clicking the link. Reflect silently on the question, journal, or talk about the question with a friend. Come to worship on Sunday at 9:30 am ready to receive God’s Word.
Introduction to the Readings
The angels are making their rounds inviting Mary to bear God’s Word into the World, encouraging Joseph to take Mary as his wife, and proclaiming good news to the shepherds. Hear the song of angels and receive their message of good news and hope to all who would hear: the Lord is with us. The Lord is with us, then, now, and always.
Luke 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel comes to Mary
Luke 2:1-7 Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem where she gives birth to Jesus
Luke 2:8-14 An angel of the Lord tells the shepherds about the birth of the Savior
Question to Ponder
Who is someone in your life who is need of peace and joy? What is one way you can share God’s love with them?
Closing Prayer
Almighty God, you sent your message of love by angels to prepare the world for your holy presence. Shine with your glory this day, dispel our fears, that we may receive your love and sing your healing joy for all to hear, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.