A Different Kind of Garage Sale


This weekend, there will be something unique happening once again at St. James.  We will be hosting a garage sale.  This in itself is not unique.  Many churches and organizations host Rummage or Garage Sales.  It is a popular way of raising funds that involve a bunch of folks.  Although we will be engaging a lot of people - we are not in it for the money.  In fact, no money will exchange hands.  St. James' Garage Sale is FREE!   It is a ministry that seeks to serve our neighbors.  We are so richly blessed by God's Grace that we gracefully share with others.

True to our vision to build and deepen loving relationships with our neighbors, our FREE GARAGE SALE will bring neighbors together.  There will be something for everyone.  Those who give their time and treasures will receive the satisfaction of helping others out.  Those who come and receive the many items (clothes, household goods, toys, books, etc.) will be blessed with items that will be given a good 'second' home.  Together we will reuse and recycle.  

Food will also be served.  Hot Dogs are on the menu for all.  Extra Comfort Meals have been made and will be given out to all who wish to take these quality, homemade,  frozen meals.  

A ministry this large takes many hands and I'm grateful for everyone who freely gave of themselves in the planning, gathering, sorting, and setting up of this ministry.  Special Thanks go to our Ministry Hosts, Kevin Bohnsack and Steve Hawks.  Additional hands are needed.  If you have some time this week - check with our Director of Ministry - Doreen Evans (doreen@stjameslc.com) and you'll get a job.  

It is a blessing to serve in a church community that is always reaching beyond itself.  This FREE GARAGE SALE is just another example in a long line of ways that we share God's love with others.

As always, I look forward to seeing you in worship,

in Christ,

Pastor Walt