Walking in the Direction of Our Vision

Our vision for ministry at St. James is simple. God is calling us, through Grace, to build and deepen loving relationships with God, with each other, and with our neighbor. Across a variety of ministries, we are heading in the direction of strengthening and supporting relationships among young and older alike. Our vision literally keeps us on our feet.


This is especially true in a new ministry that will start on this coming Sunday, May 12. Between the 8 and 9:30 worships, a group will be gathering to walk along the newly installed path that runs alongside our parking lot. We gather at 8:40 (leave at 8:45 a.m.) in the narthex. The plan is to walk a half-hour together (we will return in time for 9:30 worship.)

During that time we will get to know each other better, building and deepening relationships with each other. In an effort to build and deepen relationships with neighbors, we will also hand out water bottles to those we meet along the trail and pick up the trash that we see. Since we will be walking in God’s creation and taking care of our bodies either before/after worship, we are working on building and deepening our relationship with God.

EVERYONE (all ages - no exceptions) is invited to join the weekly walk, which we will continue until September. This is one of those “where two or three are gathered” ministries; as long as there are at least two people who want to walk, we will do it.

So wear your sneakers to worship on Sunday and join me for a little healthy practicing of our congregational vision.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt