Dear church family,
The prophet Isaiah’s words are a powerful reminder that faith trusts in God to provide in every time of trouble. In turn, faith seeks opportunities to share God’s loving grace with others.
During this pandemic, we remain open as a church to proclaim Christ in what we do and say. We come together in new and unconventional ways to strengthen and shape faith daily. A selection of online ministries, some brand new since March, offer many chances for faith formation. (Click here to check them out). We want to connect as many people as possible with these life-giving ministries.
I remain grateful for the leadership of our Council and the Return to In-Person Ministry Team during Covid. As the infection rates continue to rise, we have chosen a cautious path to regathering. This aligns with the wisdom of Bishop Lull and the St. Paul Area Synod. Guided by the love Christ calls us to share with the neighbor, we are concerned about spreading the virus in large group gatherings. This is not out of fear but rather centering in Christ’s concern for the most vulnerable and heeding the recommendation of our medical community.
Over the past two months, we have experimented with a few in-person opportunities to come together. The most successful has been our Parking Lot worship. We are able, using a FM transmitter, to broadcast services to you in the safety of your vehicle while you are parked in the St. James lot. This style of worship will continue Sunday mornings at 8:00 a.m. rain or shine (or snow).
As we are the church in these challenging times, I encourage each of us to turn to the heart of our faith – the life of Jesus. May we find in Christ’s love the strength and patience that we need to remain in relationship with others, particularly those with whom we disagree. May we claim our Lutheran theology which defines the church not in terms of a building but in terms of the people brought together by the Spirit to proclaim the gospel.
In Christ’s Light,
Pastor Walt