Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ!
I am excited to announce that St. James Lutheran is looking to invite someone with digital marketing experience and expertise to strengthen our online presence. This new staff position will enhance our website, expand our social media footprint, and share our faith formation resources with a broader audience. They will create content that engages and connects.
Seeking staffing support for digital ministry comes from two places. First, it is a product of our strategic plan, which was adopted by the congregation at this year's Annual Meeting. All three areas (SPIRITUAL FORMATION, SERVICE, and WELCOME) of our strategy will benefit from a digital marketer. They will help share our online faith resources with more folks, bolstering SPIRITUAL FORMATION. Similarly, they will make known all the SERVICE opportunities that we are doing but somehow remain unknown.
The impetus for creating a new position comes from the WELCOME mission team. This team has the charge to expand hospitality both within and beyond our current congregation. After reviewing the ways that we welcome, the group focused on our website and social media. We are doing a good job but find ourselves understaffed. Digital marketing takes a unique skill-set that we would like to add to current efforts.
Our experience of being church during a pandemic highlights the importance of online ministry. Again, we have done a good job in providing multiple resources to nurture spiritual health. Our livestream worships, online/phone communion, ZOOM Bible studies, devotionals, Faith Teams, Sunday School/VBS, and Backyard ZOOMs have helped build and deepen relationships with God, each other, and our neighbors. What a joy it has been to share these resources beyond our congregation with a broader digital audience. However, getting the word out about these ministries has been a challenge. We need help.
If you or someone you know has skills in digital marketing and are interested in working part-time at St. James, check out our job posting (CLICK HERE). We share this invitation both within and beyond our congregation. Please pray that God might send us the right person. I am optimistic that we will be able to find someone gifted in this area. I also do not doubt that online ministry will remain a vital part of our congregation's life even after we survive the pandemic.
I hope this ministry moment finds you safe and healthy. I continue to miss seeing you in person and long for the day when we can all safely come together. Until then, I will wave to you online at the end of our livestream worship.
In Christ's Light,
Pastor Walt