Parking Lot Worship

Grace and peace to you,


It has been one hundred and eleven days since we took our ministry online and have refrained from gathering in person for worship and fellowship. I have lost track of the number of ZOOM/phone calls that have allowed us to "be the church" during this pandemic. I remain grateful for the efforts of the St. James staff, who have stepped up in a variety of ways to make a positive contribution in keeping our church open and vibrant. Thank you.

With gratitude in my heart, I look forward to the next phase of our coronavirus response - offering opportunities to gather in-person again. The Return to In-Person Ministry Team has been working hard on guidelines that allow for safe assembly. Next week, you will receive in the mail a summary of their accomplishments and work.

As I have mentioned in previous communications, this group's task is not easy. There are many things to consider, and there is an inherent need to get it right. We don't want to infect and cause harm to anyone because we rushed too soon in our return to being physically together.

July 15, which is just two weeks away, will be the first of our large in-person gatherings. We will come together in our cars for a Parking Lot Worship. Mark your calendars and make plans to be with us - rain or shine (except for downpour or lightning). I invite you to arrive a few minutes before 6:30 p.m. so that you get a good spot. Using your FM radio, you will be able to worship with your St. James friends from the comfort of your vehicle.

I am looking forward to seeing you. It will be a fun night of praise done in a socially-distanced and safe way. For those who wish to stay at home or are unable to come out, Evensong worship will be Livestreamed at 7:30 p.m. Our website ( contains more information about our Parking Lot Worship and other online ministries.

I appreciate your support as we continue to navigate these unknown waters. Please pray for wisdom, patience, and the Spirit's guidance.

In Christ's Light,

Pastor Walt