One Year of Pandemic Response

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Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ!

It was on a Thursday night, one year ago, that St. James Lutheran’s Executive Mission Team gathered for an emergency meeting using a previously unknown technology called ZOOM. We opted for a video conference format because I was in St. Paul for a Synod Council meeting and wouldn’t be back in time for a traditional, in-person meeting. As soon as my Synod meeting ended, I found a nearby McDonalds with good Wi-Fi. We had a few connection issues but quickly learned how to ZOOM.

On that night, we faced a rapidly spreading virus that threatened the safety of our congregation. We received the sobering wisdom of the medical community, which identified large gatherings of people as posing significant risk. By coming together in person we could endanger life, especially the most vulnerable in our midst. It was frightening to learn there were not enough ventilators in our local hospitals to meet the need should Covid spread unrestricted through our state.

The Executive Mission Team took decisive action to move St. James Lutheran’s ministry online. As hard as the decision to keep physical distance was to make, we did so without hesitation. Our vision to build and deepen loving relationships with each other and our neighbors made it a ‘no-brainer’. Love for the other, especially those most vulnerable, seemed to be the choice Jesus invited us to make.

It has been a year of many challenging conversations and much deliberation over the nature of our ministry and life together. Although we have been at different places and come from different perspectives on how we best respond to the pandemic, as a community we have remained focused on Jesus’s love for all.

There has been much innovation in the way that we have shared the love of Christ. From twice weekly Livestream worships, to ZOOM Sunday School/Confirmation/Bible Studies, to phone worship and study, to increased care notes and calls, daily devotions, parking lot, online/phone communion, and hybrid worship we have been creative. One year later, we are stronger and have expanded the scope of ministry beyond the footprint we have on Williams Drive.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to work with a dedicated staff and leaders. From our Executive Mission Team, Council and staff to our Return-to-In-Person Ministry team, Pastoral Care team, Faith Teams, and Worship Planning and Livestream AV teams - so many people have come together to keep us safe and vibrant in our ministry. Thank you all… Because of your efforts, we have not only survived but also thrived.

I am also grateful for all those who adapted to pandemic reality. Through your prayer and ongoing support, we were able to be creative and try many things. Your patience was a godsend as we tried to figure out how to gather in the safest way we could and how to resume critical aspects of our ministry (like communion). Countless cards and well wishes helped to encourage and strengthen our weakened resolve along the way. In so many remarkable ways we managed to be Christian community even as we were physically apart.

My heart goes out to all those who have lost loved ones as a result of Covid, those who remain on the frontlines of care, and anyone who suffered significant loss. Last week, the Pastoral Care Team led a special worship marking the half-million deaths in the United States in this pandemic. I find myself turning to this worship service again as we mark one year of our pandemic response. I enclose the video here if you would like to do the same.

Beginning our second year of pandemic response, I am optimistic that in the coming months, we will be able to move positively through our Regathering Phase plan. We need to remain vigilant in allowing the wisdom of the medical community to guide our actions as a community that continues to put the love of Jesus at the center of all that we do and aspire to be. Patience and prayer remain good practices for us as we wear our masks and continue to safely share in the blessing of Christ’s presence.

I look forward to waving to you and being with you this Sunday for worship. Whether you decide to attend our drive-in (8:00 a.m.), livestream (9:30 a.m.), hybrid (9:30 a.m.), or online/phone communion, we will connect at the body of Christ.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt