Your Ideas, Enthusiasm, and Joy are Needed!

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus!

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For the last five years or so, St. James has implemented a fresh way of doing congregational ministry that has allowed us to be effective, flexible, efficient, and innovative. We have divided the year into three segments of four months (Jan-Apr, May-Aug, and Sept-Dec.). Prior to the start of each Ministry Trimester, we gather folks together for an evening of planning.

The group that convenes includes staff, council, experienced ministry hosts, and those looking to get involved. There are both new faces and faces of those that are long-familiar in our community. All come with a love for St. James and the wider community and a desire to see our ministry thrive. We seek to connect our resources (time, talent, and treasure) with the needs that surround us for the sake of sharing the grace-centered love of Jesus.

Some of our planning involves affirming and strengthening the time-tested and successful ministries of the past. We want to continue doing things that remain life-giving to those inside and outside the St. James community. Where passion remains so does our ministry. Where it no longer exists, we share gratitude for what we’ve done and move onward.

Ministry Planning Night allows for new ideas and suggestions to germinate. Folks are encouraged to think outside the proverbial box and imagine what additional things we might do. We will ponder the question, where is God leading us now? What fresh ministries need to be started today?

Do you have some thoughts about what St. James ought to be doing? Have you heard about ministries other churches are engaged in that you would like to see us try? Ministry Planning Night is your opportunity to connect ideas, words, and action.

You are invited to bring your ideas, enthusiasm, and joy to our Ministry Planning Night for the third trimester on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. We begin outside DOOR C (outside the sanctuary) at 6:15 p.m. with treats and a brief time of catching up and introductions. From there we will go inside and collaborate on planning St. James ministry for the final months of 2021 (we will go until 8:30 p.m.).

Your participation is needed more than ever. Although COVID is a lingering concern, we need to plan beyond the pandemic. How will we regather as a church and recommit ourselves to our core strategic foci? What ministries will support our goals of Welcome, Spiritual Formation, and Service? How might we lean into our vision of building and deepening loving relationships with God, each other, and our neighbors?

Again, we could use your help, insight, and presence at this important planning session.

I look forward to seeing you there as I look forward each week to greeting you in worship, whether it is in the parking lot (Drive-In worship at 8:00 a.m. continues through Labor Day), online or in-person (9:30 a.m.).

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt