Modify, modify, modify

Grace and peace to you!

ministry moment aug 31.png

As we look towards starting up ministry again this fall, the word that seems to be on my mind is “modify.” Earlier in the summer, it seemed like we were in the final days of the pandemic. With many folks vaccinated and the loosening of restrictions, we began to imagine getting “back to normal” in September. Sadly, the vaccination efforts seemed to stall and the Delta variant swept into our community. Rising infection rates, increased hospitalization, and continued COVID deaths demand our attention. Whether we like it or not, the pandemic is far from over.

As so we find ourselves needing to MODIFY ministry. Already we have modified the way we are distributing communion, extended our Parking Lot worship through November, and stopped staff greeting folks in the pews prior to worship. We are also adjusting plans for the fall. Sunday School will now be online only. Our Duluth Youth Servant Trip will be a day event. In consideration of our unvaccinated children and vulnerable folks, we are asking folks to wear masks during worship.

We remain flexible as we seek to continue to worship, gather, and grow as God’s children. Open to the work of the Spirit in our midst, we are allowing ourselves to be guided by the wisdom of love. Christ-centered values invite our attention towards caring for the neighbor’s health and well being.

I am grateful for the ongoing commitment of our Return to In-Person Ministry Team, staff, and leaders who are helping us modify our ministry so that it is as safe as it can be and grounded in love. By the grace of God, we continue to proclaim the life that Christ offers for us and for the sake of the world. We share in communion that offers strength and hope.

Thank you for your participation in the community of St. James. Through your support of time, talent, and treasure we are able to ministry in these challenging times ripe with opportunity.

This Labor Day weekend, on Sunday September 5, we offer a revised schedule of two worship opportunities - In-Person at 8:00 a.m. (in the parking lot) and 9:30 a.m. ONLINE ONLY. On September 12, we return to our regular schedule with Parking Lot worship (8:00 a.m.) and In-person, inside (9:30 a.m.) and online (9:30 a.m.). I look forward to waving to you at one of these worships.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt