What a year! Looking back on 2021

Grace and Peace to you in the name of Jesus!

Looking back at a year of ministry is always a humbling experience. I am reminded of and thankful for the contributions of many folks who have graciously shared their God-given gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Whether they serve on staff or as one of our many volunteers, each person is a blessing. St. James is filled with flexible and hardworking folks that are committed to grace-centered values. I thank God regularly for you and for the opportunity that we had in 2021 to share God’s love inside and beyond the doors of Christ’s church to which we belong.

At the start of 2021, due to the lingering pandemic, we found our ministry fully online. As vaccinations became available portions of our community availed themselves of this life-saving protection, we moved through our Regathering Plan. Slowly we progressed and increased in-person opportunities and gatherings. I am grateful for the wisdom of our Return to In-Person Ministry Team who monitored both the COVID stats and the recommendations that were issued by the Center for Disease Control and Stay Safe MN. Throughout the year, the love of Jesus grounded our commitment to provide the safest environment possible for the most vulnerable. When variants emerged, we had to go backward in our regathering phases. Based on wisdom gleaned from our experiences of living with COVID, we adjusted our practices to allow for continued in-person gathering.

Throughout the year, we were innovative in our worship. Enhancements made to our Livestream retained our online viewers. In addition, we experimented with small in-person gatherings in the Fellowship Hall, outdoor experiences, and parking lot broadcasts. Communion was offered on ZOOM until we gathered again in the sanctuary. By the end of the year, we offered communion at all Sunday morning worship. Wednesday night online worship was also offered weekly until May. It returned again for Advent and special opportunities (i.e. A Liturgy of Hope in a Time of Sorrow.). I am grateful for our Worship and AV Teams who plan and lead our worship.

Throughout the year, we also engaged in spiritual formation. A dozen Faith Teams provided regular small group gatherings. Weekly Bible Studies (both online, on the phone, and in-person) allowed deep dives into the appointed gospel texts for Sunday. Confirmation classes and Sunday School continued both in-person and online. We were even able to host a few day-retreats: First Communion Hike, Duluth Servant Day, and a prayer retreat at the MN Arboretum. With the support of a new pastoral assistant, Courtney Geolat, I was able to publish devotions daily throughout 2021. In all 38,599 emails were set to 1240 people with an average open rate of 62.27 %.

Throughout the year, we cared for one another. Pastoral Care came in many forms of regular contact with those who were struggling, lonely, hospitalized, and grieving. I am grateful for our Pastoral Care Team, under the leadership of Pastor Nancy Connor (Visitation Pastor.) They sent cards, holiday greetings, delivered communion materials and made hundreds of phone calls.

Throughout 2021 our ministry continued “full-steam” as we sought to connect with as many people as possible using the resources and technology at our disposal. I am proud of what we did together. What is more, thanks to an anonymous donor and a matching gift, we had the opportunity to pay off our real estate mortgage. Debt-free, we are in a stronger place to face future challenges.

In sure and certain hope: As I am grateful for all that we did together, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the loss that St. James suffered at the end of 2021 with the death of our Financial Secretary, Sid Aarestad. He served Christ’s church faithfully throughout his life. St. James benefited greatly from his wisdom, kindness, encouragement, and generosity. He prayed regularly for this pastor, St. James’s leaders, and for our congregation. We miss him greatly even as we trust in God’s eternal promise of resurrection.

At the end of my weekly Ministry Moments, I mention that I look forward to greeting you in worship, whether it is at 8:00 a.m. (outside in parking lot or inside the sanctuary) or at 9:30 a.m. (online or in-person in the sanctuary) or whenever you choose to log-on. It remains the highlight of my week as a pastor to wave and greet the community that comes together around Word and Sacrament. There is joy in connecting with one another, even in these challenging times. I rejoice at how the Spirit continues to move in wondrous ways among us and look forward to what lies ahead in 2022.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt

PS: To access the full version of my 2021 Pastor’s Report: (click here).