Introducing Your 2023 Call Committee!

Based upon the list of nominees provided by the congregation, in accordance with the provisions of our constitution, and following our synod call process guidelines, your council has prayerfully selected these persons to serve as your call committee.

Roberta (Birdie) Olson, Stacy Collins, Wendy Reiland, Jim Soleim, Megan Kuneli, Mark Yost, Anita Flinner-McCaffrey.

As individuals and as a group these persons now embark on one of the most vital tasks in the life of a congregation, discerning the call for a new pastor. As such they are dedicating a large portion of their time, energy, and gifts to this process for as long as it takes to find the person God is even now preparing to join you in your mission. It is a process that will be bathed and surrounded in prayer and guided by the Holy Spirit.

But the call committee is not the only group that needs to be focusing on the call process. Every one of us here at St. James needs to be praying for our call committee and the call process. We also need to be praying for ourselves and our life together in this congregation. We too, need to ask the Spirit’s guidance in discerning who we are being called to be as we move into the future. This is our task, yours and mine, in the months ahead.

The Call Committee will be officially commissioned at the 9:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, April 30th.  Please come and extend to them, by your presence, prayers, and blessing, the support they will need in the vital, exciting work ahead.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Lamont