What are you thinking, feeling, about our life together here at St. James? What are your hopes and dreams for the future of St James? What is God calling us to be and do in the future?
Your Transition Task Force is asking you to share your thoughts, to make your voice heard. Starting February 1, through February 14, there will be a Leadership Needs Survey available for you to do just that.
The survey will be available online.
Paper copies of the survey will also be available at the church.
They will be handed out at worship February 5 & 12
Fill them out at the end of service, or during coffee time
Leave completed forms in the box outside the sanctuary
Take them with you and fill them out at home – Return by February 14.
If you need a copy mailed to you. Please contact the office.
Survey responses will be compiled, and results will be reported to both the council and the congregation. These responses will inform the task force’s work to complete a draft Ministry Site Profile (MSP). This MSP will be the description of St James; who we are, our hopes and goals, and what sort of leader we believe we need as we move into the future.
The draft MSP will go first to the council and then come to the congregation for consideration. Once it is finalized, it will be submitted to our local synod and to the ELCA nationwide. This document will provide the primary information used to find appropriate candidates for the pastoral call to St James.
In seeking a new lead pastor, your call committee will be guided by the information you provide on the Leadership Survey. (More about the formation of your call committee next week.)
Don’t Miss this opportunity to make your voice heard. You make a difference.
Pastor Lamont