Has the Call Committee Started Working?

The problem with this question is that it assumes the only call that needs to be considered in the time of transition is the calling of a new pastor. But there is a much more important call that needs to be dealt with. That is the call that you have as the people of God in this community of faith.

Only after a congregation has had an opportunity to reflect on its mission (its identity) and refocus on the priority goals it has for living into that mission, will it begin to clarify the gifts and characteristics of the new pastor it seeks to call as a partner in the mission it has.

You have done a great deal of work on these things back in 2019. You now have a survey available to you either to reconfirm that work or suggest changes based on your experiences over the past three years. As this process nears completion, that call process will begin.

The first step is to form a call committee. The St. James constitution (C 13.04) states: “When a pastoral vacancy occurs, a call committee of seven (7) voting members shall be appointed by the congregation council.”

The congregation will have an opportunity to nominate people for the call committee via a form that will be available by the first week in March. Yes, you may nominate yourself if you choose. Final decision on the makeup of the call committee belongs to the council. The nomination window will be open for a period of two weeks.

The call committee will be announced to the congregation and will be commissioned at the town hall forum where our ministry site profile comes to the congregation this spring. The date for this town hall forum will be set in March and will likely be held in April, soon after Easter.

The call committee will begin working following the town hall meeting. A synod staff person will be assigned to work with them. If all goes smoothly, a new pastor could be identified by mid to late summer and be with you by the start of fall programming.  

– Pastor Lamont


Pastor Lamont