Time to Register

Friends in Christ,


Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ!


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Current local COVID-19 metrics place us in Phase 3a of our Regathering Plan allowing us to host an annual meeting on April 18 at noon. It will be a hybrid event with both an in-person and online component.  You choose the way you feel most comfortable participating. Conducting a hybrid meeting following COVID guidelines requires us to make a few adjustments: 

  •  Everyone must REGISTER ahead of time - this allows us to get the online link out to those who want to attend online and takes care of our contact tracing for those who choose to attend in person.

  • We need to reduce the time we meet in the interest of safety.  This means that presentations, reports, and discussion will be kept at a minimum to reduce exposure for those gathering in-person.

  • A Budget and Roof Repair Meeting will occur on April 11.  This will allow everyone to receive detailed information and have questions answered on our two major points of business - taking action on a roof replacement and adopting the 2021 Mission Budget.  This will also give us a chance to practice our hybrid format a week ahead of the Annual Meeting to work out any unanticipated kinks.  The discussion will be recorded and made available for those who were unable to attend.

I encourage you to take part in both the Budget and Roof Repair Meeting (April 11 at 12:00pm) and the Annual Meeting (April 18 at 12:00pm).  These remain unique times that are full of new and creative ways for us to be the church together.  I appreciate your flexibility, understanding, and engagement. 

One more item- we are starting a new “go-paperless” campaign.  When we first tried to do this last fall, the response was slim.  However, as our Finance team put together the budget, they noticed that we could realize significant savings if we had enough folks switch to all electronic mailings for their household. 

Whether you attend in-person (Drive-In (8:00 a.m.); hybrid (9:30 a.m.) ) or online (Livestream (9:30 a.m.); Online/Phone Communion (12:00 p.m.)), I look forward to waving to you on Sunday during worship. This week is Palm Sunday and we will be celebrating our Lord’s triumphant arrival in Jerusalem at all liturgies.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt