Three (Easter) Words to Share

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ!


As we go through this Second Week of Easter, there are three words that I'd like to share with you. Each, in its way, is a tiny announcement of Easter.   

1) NEW DEVO AVAILABLE: The first ‘word’ involves my latest daily devotional series, WORD ALIVE. I am thrilled that each morning over a hundred people receive this email resource. It consists of an Inspirational Image that I've created using words spoken by Jesus recorded in all four gospels. Accompany the pictures are a few questions for you to ponder and a prayer. I've designed each devotion to take no more than five minutes to read.   

WORD ALIVE lasts for the entire seven weeks of Easter, so if you haven't signed up yet, don't worry - there is still plenty of time for you to enjoy the devotional. And, you can always go back and check out the days already published.   

St. James Lutheran is providing this devotional resource to our extended community. All you need to do to register is click on this link:

2) SPEAKING TOGETHER in WORSHIP: For the last ten months, our Return to In-Person Ministry Team has gathered on a nearly weekly basis to review COVID guidelines, recommendations, track COVID metrics, and guide our congregational response to the ongoing pandemic. Thanks to their dedication and tireless efforts, we have both our MN state-required Preparedness Plan and a Regathering Plan in place. Both documents contain many words that are helping to keep us safe. 

As mentioned, our Return-to-In-Person Team carefully reviews the most recent guidelines and recommendations of health officials. It is not an easy task, especially since things are often in flux. The virus can be a moving target, and our knowledge of its behavior continues to change. Sometimes messages communicated at various levels have been at odds or ambiguous.  

Recently, there was clarification on the matter of speaking during in-person worship. Speaking together in a group setting is now permitted indoors provided that everyone wears a mask and keeps a distance of six feet apart. At our Tuesday meeting, the Return-to-In-Person Ministry Team adjusted our procedures accordingly.  

Starting Sunday, we can speak the Lord's Prayer, CREED, and prayers together. I, for one, am looking forward to hearing you all again in worship, especially when we share in the Great Thanksgiving.

3) In-Person Bible Study Resumes: I am lost for words to describe the joy that I feel as I resume teaching Bible Study today at both Augustana Regents and Savage Senior Living. For the past year, I have conducted weekly Bible studies with our seniors over the phone. Although it was great to hear their voices, I have missed seeing them in person. Thanks to both of these senior living facilities' vaccination efforts, we can once again be together. How fitting that we will be looking at Sunday's Easter gospel from Luke! 

In each of the above ‘words’, I find the blessing of Easter. The gift of new life in Christ, which we share in a Christian community, ever gives us hope. Even though we are still in the midst of challenges, struggles, and disappointments, we can find courage in the wondrous words - Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!

I look forward to sharing that joyous word with you in worship on Sunday. I will be sure to wave whether I see you online (Livestream at 9:30 a.m. - NO Zoom Communion this week) or in-person (8:00 a.m. Drive-In; 9:30 a.m. Hybrid).

In Christ's Light,

Pastor Walt

P.S. Don't forget - this Sunday, April 18, is our Hybrid Annual Meeting.  Be sure to register by 11:00 a.m. whether you are attending online or in-person.