Welcome Phase 3b!

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ!

Welcome Phase 3b!.png

It has been four hundred and twenty-five days since the start of St. James Lutheran’s ministry response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  By anyone’s estimation that is a long time.  From day one, our approach has been guided by wisdom from the medical/scientific community, congregational leaders, state officials, and the larger church.  Creativity, caution, and collaboration have helped us navigate challenging and unknown waters.   I am grateful for the flexibility and patience of the St. James community which allowed us to be diligent in our efforts to keep folks safe and proclaim the love of Christ in new and innovative ways.

I am pleased to announce that we have moved into Phase 3b of our Regathering Plan.  The COVID-19 metrics in Dakota and Scott County have gone down allowing us to come together in greater measure with a lesser risk of spreading the virus.  We are now at the point where we can gather in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings for worship.   

Starting on June 6, you will have the opportunity to register for a weekly 11:30 a.m. spoken communion worship in-person in our sanctuary.  We will continue to wear masks indoors and maintain social distancing.  Sign up through the St. James website or call the office 952-890-4534 to reserve your spot.  The reason we begin sanctuary worship a few Sundays out has to do with previously scheduled Confirmation worship (and recording) and the Memorial Day holiday weekend.  The sanctuary will be available, however, should we need to use it for funerals.    

Realizing that everyone’s COVID-comfort level is different, we will maintain our Drive-In communion at 8:00 a.m., Livestream online at 9:30 a.m., and ZOOM communion at 12:30 p.m. (on selected Sundays - see website for details).   However you decide to worship, there is an option for you to participate.

I am also pleased to announce our summer mid-week opportunities for reconnecting. Look forward to Campfire Communion worships (June 9, July 21, & August 25), multi-generational V.B.S. (June 23, July 28, & August 18), and Campfire Fellowship hosted by the Council (June 16, July 14. & August 11).  These outdoor gatherings will happen as long as the sun shines (sorry, no rain dates).  You are welcome to wear a mask if you choose.  Don’t forget to bring your lawn chair. 

As always, I look forward to waving to and greeting you in worship whether that is in your car, in person, or online.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt