What's Next?


The COVID pandemic has changed many things in our lives.  From work to church to recreation to family time, we have all had to make adjustments to the way we did things before the virus disrupted life.  

Now, with COVID restrictions easing, things are moving towards the way they were.  Well, not exactly “normal” but closer to whatever that means than they were a few months back.  Will we ever return to the place we were?  Do we even want to go there?  What new patterns have the COVID virus uncovered that we want to embrace and retain on the other side of the pandemic?

These questions are currently occupying the thoughts of St. James Lutheran’s staff, Council, Faith Team leaders, and others. The Return-to-In-Person Ministry Team is evaluating the most recent announcements by the CDC and Governor Walz in light of our Regathering Plan and will be making appropriate adjustments - stay tuned.

The question of what’s next involves more than strategies, guidelines, and procedures. There is a spiritual dimension for us to consider. How might we navigate “the return” as children of God?  Just as there was a sacred aspect to living in the pandemic, there is a spiritual dimension to what happens next.  What might God have in store for us, or beckon us towards as we re-engage, restore, and rebuild our lives?   

There is a wonderful opportunity in the days ahead for us to grow in our faith and establish practices that will nurture our spirit for years to come.  As we put pieces together, we have the chance to place our relationship with God at the center.  Taking time to reflect, pray, and dwell in God’s Word, will help us not only navigate the uncertainties of this moment of great personal and societal transition, but it will encourage spiritual transformation.

Ventures: of which we cannot see the ending, will help you navigate the uncertain waters that lie ahead as COVID restrictions ease and we look towards life beyond pandemic. Grounded in scripture and guided by the "venture prayer," written by Eric Milner-White during a turbulent time at the start of the twentieth century, this devotional takes no more than five minutes a day to read.  Containing scripture, stories, prayers, Inspirational Images, and questions to ponder, this series will nurture your spirit daily for six weeks.  

It is the latest of my devotional writings and it comes as a resource for the entire St. James Lutheran extended community. Sign up today through the St. James Lutheran website and there is no charge. Share this link with your family and friends and they too will be able to benefit from this free resource.

As always, I look forward to waving to you in worship whether I see you in the parking lot, online, or in-person.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt