Summer Wednesdays at St. James

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ!

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Whew! When I put my hands on the steering wheel of my car this afternoon, I was reminded of a seasonal truth. It can get hot in Minnesota! Summer has finally arrived and I’m welcoming the warm, bright days.

One of the things that I enjoy about this time of year are the opportunities it offers for us to do ministry in a different way. We can be outside and enjoy the beauty of creation in this corner of the globe.

I am looking forward to the start of our Wednesday summer nights. On June 9 (next Wednesday) we begin with Campfire Communion at 6:30 p.m. This is the first of three such mid-week worships that we will do this summer (June 9, July 21, August 25.) Bring a lawn chair and plan to arrive a few minutes early to sign-in. Masks are optional (those who are unvaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear one for your safety). There will be a pick-up choir that will practice earlier in the night (interested? click here)

In addition to this worship gatherings, we are also offering other events that will allow us to reconnect as a community. Multi-generational Vacation Bible School, led by Patty Seewald, will happen on June 23, July 28, and August 18. There will be games, crafts, and classic Bible school fun for every age. Our Council will host a Campfire Fellowship on June 16, July 14, and August 11. Bring a take-out meal for yourself and a lawn chair.

These summer events will give us a chance to reacquaint ourselves with each other as we continue to make progress towards the end of the pandemic in this area. Seeing and being with each other will bring joy and fellowship.

I look forward to the time when I get to see you again. Whether it is at the above events, or at one of our Sunday worship opportunities - Drive-In (8:00 a.m.), Livestream online (9:30 a.m.), In-person, in the sanctuary (11:30 a.m.), or ZOOM Communion (12:30 a.m.).

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt