Welcoming Joy

Grace and peace to you all in the name of Jesus Christ!

Last Sunday was filled with a “welcoming joy” as we came together for worship. Our parking lot had twenty-six folks in worship at 8:00 a.m. with another one hundred-fifty online at 9:30 a.m. At 11:30 a.m. over forty-five people came out for our first in-person worship in the sanctuary in over four-hundred and fifty six days. It was a day of many smiling faces.

One of the early values of the first century banquets was festive joy. Laughter and friendship were shared and created important social bonds as people ate together. When early Christians gathered for worship they shared in a meal that embodied such joy. They were glad to be together in the presence of the risen Christ. Each time was a little foretaste of God’s great heavenly banquet.

I was grateful to catch a glimpse of such things on Sunday. Although it was an extremely hot day, on a summer weekend, our celebration was festive. What a delight! Thanks to our Council leaders and staff, who coordinated banners, flowers, donuts, balloons, music, and greetings - we came together in exuberant style. A foretaste of not only the heavenly banquet but of earthly fellowship yet to come. After months being physically apart, it was truly a gladsome time for us to reconnect.

Reconnection is what God offers to us when we gather for worship. If we understand sin as a separation between us, others, God, and the planet, then forgiveness is a “bringing together.” By the grace and love of God, who came to this earth to share in our struggles and brokenness, we are linked back to God’s life. Word and Sacrament ministry reminds us that no one is too far gone, too disconnected, without hope. Each one of us, no matter what we’ve done, left undone, or don’t know how to do is forgiven by the Christ who desires restoration of all creation.

As those who hear such a message - proclaimed in Word, music, and meal - we are invited to embody forgiveness in our dealings with others. God calls us to repair the breach, reduce the separation, and link up with others. With love we are to reconnect with one another. This God-given invitation to love is to be extended to the whole creation. When that happens, there is much joy to celebrate.

I look forward to gathering again in joy this coming Sunday. Whether you choose to connect in worship at our drive-in (8:00 a.m.), online (9:30 a.m.), or in-person in the sanctuary (11:30 a.m.), I can’t wait to wave to you and share a smile.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt

p.s. The COVID numbers continue to plummet in Scott and Dakota Counties - starting the fourteen day count-down to the next to last stage of our regathering plan. More information about what that means in next week’s Ministry Moment.