All Hands on Debt!

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus!

Before COVID hit, we were well on our way to becoming debt-free for the first time in over three decades. Although we made progress toward this goal during the pandemic, we needed to hold off on making additional principal payments, which would have finished our mortgage at the end of 2020. The revised plan for the debt retirement became April 2022.

Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, we have an opportunity to retire the debt sooner, saving us thousands of dollars in interest payments. Our goal is to raise $18,000, which will be matched dollar for dollar up to that amount. If we do this by September 30, we will not need to hold our regular Back to Church or Advent seasonal offerings.

As our donor did when making the gift, we will be tithing on all monies received during this offering campaign. We will divide 5% equally between the CAP Agency (Scott County) and 360 Communities (Dakota County) to support their food shelves. We will send the other half of the tithe (5%) to Pastor MPonzi to purchase building materials in Idunda.

Our brothers and sisters in Tanzania live in such a remote area that they have limited access to medical services. They need to walk over five miles to get basic care. It is a particular struggle for women who are pregnant and need prenatal assistance. During this summer, the villagers are laying the foundation and making bricks by hand. Sharing funds will help them to buy concrete and other essential building supplies.

Our goal of raising $18,000 over the summer is realistic and achievable. If everyone participates, we might even find ourselves exceeding our goal. Should that happen, our tithing partners will receive more, and we will use the extra funds towards a few needed capital improvements.

Gifts in any amount are greatly appreciated as each one moves us closer to utilizing the entire $18,000 match. You can make your gift online today by following this link (click here) and entering your donation under "Debt Reduction."

So, all hands on debt! Now is the time to end our decades-old debt, share with mission partners, and free up new resources for ministry. Let us wave our hands in praise for all the wonderful opportunities God has given us.

I look forward to waving to you as we gather for worship on Sunday, whether it is in our cars (8:00 a.m. Drive-In), online (9:30 a.m.), in-person in the sanctuary (11:30 a.m.), or for zoom communion at 12:30 p.m.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt