Got Favorite Hymns? We Want to Sing Them

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ!

So…. what’s your favorite hymn? The St. James Lutheran Worship Team wants to know!

This summer, we’d like to use favorite hymns at the start of every worship. To do this, we need to gather your favorite hymns by May 30. With all the great and beloved hymns out there, I am sure that our list will be chock-full of great music.

From this stockpile of favorite hymnody, starting with the weekly email on June 1 and then in-person on Sunday June 5, you will be able to vote on which “favorite” hymn you’d like to sing the following week in worship. Each week, throughout the summer, we will vote and sing together. It will be lots of fun to see which of the favorite hymns get selected by popular demand.

So let’s get started…. fill out this form and submit your favorite hymn.

As always, I look forward to greeting you in worship. We worship this Sunday at 8:00 a.m. (in the sanctuary and parking lot), 9:30 a.m. (in the sanctuary and online), and whenever you choose using the YouTube archive.

In Christ’s Light,

Pastor Walt