Ever had the experience of sitting with someone, in the same room, at the same table, and then you hear them ask, “where are you?” For a moment you have been lost in thought. Sharing space with someone else, but no longer present with them…
Read moreWho is your handkerchief?
This Sunday we will celebrate All Saints Day.
As Barbara Brown Taylor says, one of the living saints from whom I have learned much, “More than any other day of the year, (All Saints Day) is family reunion day for the church . . . it is a day for pulling out all the old family photograph albums and remembering where we came from.” (Home By Another Way, p.211)….
Read moreReflections on Grace
Reflections on Grace from one of my favorite writers as we remember and celebrate again the central theme of the Reformation, we are justified by Grace alone. “After centuries of handling and mishandling, most religious words have become so shopworn nobody’s much interested anymore…..
Read moreSeason of Change
I’ve just returned from the annual Fall Bishop’s Theological Conference. The attached picture is of a small portion of the Gull Lake shoreline. I love Fall. It is a beautiful time of year. There are apples to pick, pumpkins to gather, and fireplaces to gather round.
Read moreHello St. James!
My name is Lamont Koerner. In collaboration with the Saint Paul Area Synod staff, your council has invited me to serve as your Intentional Interim Pastor during this time of leadership transition. More about what that means as we begin to work together.
Read moreAll Creatures Great and Small
I am writing this “ministry moment” on October 4th,on the church calendar it is the day we remember St. Francis. Francis of Assisi, was a renewer of the church, he died in 1226. Francis was born into the family of a wealthy merchant, Francis gave up his inheritance to serve poor people. He formed the Order of Friars Minor (called Franciscans), who took on poverty and the task of preaching "using words if necessary." Francis had a spirit of gratitude for all of God's creation.
Read moreIt Takes A Villiage
The phrase “It Takes a Village” took on a whole new meaning to me this past week. On Wednesday I felt like I was getting a cold and took some aspirin and put on a warm sweater, as the day wore on I realized that I was not getting better but rather felt my symptoms worsening. I then realized that I needed to take a Covid test….unfortunately it was positive.
Read moreAnnouncement
These have been busy days at St James with start up of fall activities, Sunday school, choirs, confirmation and celebrating the 83rd Birthday of St James. These are great days filled with excitement and anticipation of St James future ministry opportunities!
Read moreThank You
The “Festival of Welcome” was indeed a grand celebration! It was wonderful to see so many children in worship and the start of Sunday School! It was a joy to hear the choir and to gather around the altar for Holy Communion.
Read moreUpcoming Activities
September at St James is going to be filled with activities. We are excited that Sunday school is starting up, the choirs will begin their rehearsals, confirmation students will begin their studies and Faith teams will resume.
Read moreSola Gratia
We continue looking at some of what makes us Lutherans unique. Last week we considered the first of the three “Solas.” The word is Latin for “alone.” The early Lutherans developed three prongs to their theological differences with the Church at that time. They were: Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Sola Fide (faith alone) and Sola Gratia (grace alone). This week we consider grace alone.
Read moreSola Fide
We continue looking at some of what makes us Lutherans unique. Last week we considered the first of the three “Solas.” The word is Latin for “alone.” The early Lutherans developed three prongs to their theological differences with the Church at that time. They were: Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Sola Fide (faith alone) and Sola Gratia (grace alone). This week we consider faith alone.
Read moreThe "Solas"
Last week I said we would spend a few weeks looking at what makes us Lutherans unique. We start out by looking at the three “Solas.” The word is Latin for “alone.”
Read moreWhat Makes Us Lutheran?
Have you ever wondered what makes us as Lutherans different than the other Christian denominations in the world? I thought maybe over these weeks in August we might consider a few of those characteristics and beliefs that make us uniquely Lutheran.
Read moreAsante Sana!
Asante Sana is Swahili for “Thank you very much!” and it is the phrase that comes to mind as I write my last Ministry Moment as Lead Pastor of St. James Lutheran Church. I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the years of ministry that we have shared.
Read moreWalking Shoulder to Shoulder
Well, I did last week, and I will long remember it. It began at 6:00 a.m. our time (2:00 p.m. their time), and it connected mission partners literally across the globe. A group of eight people, half in Iringa/half in Minnesota gathered Bega Kwa Bega (Swahili for “shoulder to shoulder.”)
Read moreA Special Devotional for St. James
Writing devotional materials has become an important part of my ministry. Over the past years, I have shared a variety of devotional series with the St. James Lutheran community. Leaning into this practice, I am working on one more writing project as your pastor.
Read moreActing Lead Pastor Named
At a special meeting last evening, the Council named Pastor Nancy Connor as the Acting Lead Pastor starting August 1. Pastor Nancy will serve in this role throughout the month of August as the Council works in conjunction with the St. Paul Area Synod to interview and hire an Interim Lead Pastor, who will be in place until the Call Process leads to the calling of a new Lead Pastor.
Read moreThank You Team
On Sunday during worship, we gave thanks for the work of the Return to In-Person Ministry Team. This group of dedicated folks were responsible for charting the course for our congregation through pandemic. Formed by the Council over two years ago, they were tireless in their efforts to keep our community (particularly those most vulnerable among us) safe.
Read moreUpdate from St. James Council
Deacon Krista Lind met with the Mission Council Team this week. The primary focus of this meeting was to present the council with a high level overview of the Call process, offer some general timelines, and answer questions from the group.
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