Saying a Good Goodbye

After thirteen years of serving as Lead Pastor at St. James Lutheran, the Spirit is calling me to ministry in Naples, Florida. July 31 will be my last Sunday as a pastor to the St. James Lutheran community. I shared this information in a letter that was mailed out last week.

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W.O.W. - Summer is here and its time for Wednesday night worship

Tonight is the first of our Wednesday outdoor summer worships and I’m filled with excitement.

On the first Wednesday of June (tonight), July (7/6/22), and August (8/3/22) we host a communion worship with special music at 6:30 p.m. Come at 6:00 p.m. to roast hot dogs on the campfire. Bring a beverage and a lawn chair. It’s rain or shine (if liquid sunshine is falling - we will be in the narthex).

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A Time to Affirm Baptism

On Sunday, May 15, we will celebrate with four youth the affirmation of their baptism during the 9:30 a.m. worship. As a community we will gather around Lukas Fuerst, Sara Gastony, Amanda Shero, and Leif Thompson to confirm their faith. It will be a joyous event for their families. And it will be a joy-filled moment for the entire St. James Lutheran community, wherein these young adults have had their faith nurtured.

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Resources for A Holy Week….

It is with joy that I write to you in the middle of Holy Week. When we gathered on Palm Sunday, the experience touched my emotions. I can’t begin to describe how powerful it was to see folks in the sanctuary waving palm branches. Added to this joy were the photos that I’ve seen of folks waving their palms in front of their computer screens. It was a great start to a week filled with opportunities (in-person and online) to celebrate the mystery of Jesus’s passion.

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ZOOM Bible Study for You

One of the things that I enjoy is teaching the Bible. Though written a long time ago in a land far away, the Bible remains God’s living word to us and for us. Each of us, whether we have a degree from a seminary or not, can engage the wisdom, comfort, and challenge that is found within the pages of our holy book. Part of my job as a pastor is to help folks make connections between God and neighbor; the Bible is a great resource for making that happen.

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The Volunteers are Gathering! More are needed!

Last week, I mentioned that we we needed folks to sign up for Altar Guild and Communion Servers for us to be able to resume communion distribution at the Altar. Thanks to a good response, we will be able to serve the sacrament around the Altar on Easter Sunday. Yay! From the acknowledged Lutheran sacrament of Holy Communion, we now expand our efforts this week to the serving of the unofficial Lutheran “sacrament” - Coffee!

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Moving in the Right Direction

From the outset of the pandemic, as a congregation, we have followed recommendations from the CDC and Stay Safe MN. Our Return-to-In-Person Ministry Team used these guidelines to develop a comprehensive pandemic response, including a detailed phase approach for regathering. When recommendations changed, adjustments were made in our practice and policies.

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Passing the Torch

At the closing Olympic ceremonies this past week in Beijing, the iconic Olympic flame flickered one final time before going out. Throughout the competitions, and in the weeks leading up to the games, the flame burned as a fiery symbol of the Olympics.

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Thirteen Years Together

Thirteen years ago there was snow on the ground as the movers transported the boxes, furniture, and the piano into our brand new home in Savage. A week earlier these items were in a parsonage in New Jersey. It was a time for new beginnings as Katie and I signed the paperwork on our first home purchase. Two days after moving in, I preached my inaugural sermon at St. James.

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Advance !

As one who has taken many retreats over the course of ministry as a pastor, I appreciate the time for reflection, introspection, and growth that such opportunities provide. Retreating from normal patterns and work places have allowed me the space for my mind/body/spirit to gain perspective and be creative.

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More Light...

Scripture is full of light metaphors. In both Testaments, we find light linked to God’s glory, love, and wisdom. God’s light shines into the darkness of our world. God illuminates our way, guiding us in the path of hope, love, and faith. We find joy as we delight in the warmth and brightness of God’s presence.

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