Happy Trails to You!

As you might know, I enjoy traveling, especially in the direction that chases the setting sun. On vacation this summer, I had the opportunity to visit Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks, Devils' Tower (Bear Lodge) and Craters of the Moon National Monuments, and the Black Hills of South Dakota. Inspired by this journey, I have created a month's worth of Inspirational Images and Prayers.

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All Hands on Debt!

Before COVID hit, we were well on our way to becoming debt-free for the first time in over three decades. Although we made progress toward this goal during the pandemic, we needed to hold off on making additional principal payments, which would have finished our mortgage at the end of 2020. The revised plan for the debt retirement became April 2022.

Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, we have an opportunity to retire the debt sooner, saving us thousands of dollars in interest payments.

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Welcoming Joy

Last Sunday was filled with a “welcoming joy” as we came together for worship. Our parking lot had twenty-six folks worship at 8:00 a.m. with another seventy-six online at 9:30 a.m. At 11:30 a.m. over forty-five people came out for our first in-person worship in the sanctuary in over four-hundred and fifty six days. It was a day of many smiling faces.

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Summer Wednesdays at St. James

Whew! When I put my hands on the steering wheel of my car this afternoon, I was reminded of a seasonal truth. It can get hot in Minnesota! Summer has finally arrived and I’m welcoming the warm, bright days.

One of the things that I enjoy about this time of year are the opportunities it offers for us to do ministry in a different way. We can be outside and enjoy the beauty of creation in this corner of the globe.

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Working the Plan

Not sure exactly where I first heard the phrase or who coined it but it has come in handy in my role as a Lead Pastor. Plan the work, work the plan.

For the past year of our COVID reality, we have been both planning and working. A lot of time, energy, and collaboration has gone into our efforts as a congregation to remain open, vibrant, and innovative. Although for most of the 440 of our COVID response, our ministry has been beyond the walls our our building, we never closed.

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What's Next?

There is a wonderful opportunity in the days ahead for us to grow in our faith and establish practices that will nurture our spirit for years to come. As we put pieces together, we have the chance to place our relationship with God at the center. Taking time to reflect, pray, and dwell in God’s Word, will help us not only navigate the uncertainties of this moment of great personal and societal transition, but it will encourage spiritual transformation

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Welcome Phase 3b!

It has been four hundred and twenty-five days since the start of St. James Lutheran’s ministry response to the COVID-19 pandemic. By anyone’s estimation that is a long time. From day one, our approach has been guided by wisdom from the medical/scientific community, congregational leaders, state officials, and the larger church. Creativity, caution, and collaboration have helped us navigate challenging and unknown waters. I am grateful for the flexibility and patience of the St. James community which allowed us to be diligent in our efforts to keep folks safe and proclaim the love of Christ in new and innovative ways.

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Almost There

Ever since I can remember I have gone on road trips with my family. As a kid, I was the one in the backseat asking the question, “are we there yet?” I couldn’t wait to get where we were going and to see what we were going to see.

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Time to Register

Current local COVID-19 metrics place us in Phase 3a of our Regathering Plan allowing us to host an annual meeting on April 18 at noon. It will be a hybrid event with both an in-person and online component. You choose the way you feel most comfortable participating. Conducting a hybrid meeting following COVID guidelines requires us to make a few adjustments:

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Slow and Steady, Follow the Plan, Share God's Love

In last week's Ministry Moment, I spoke about St. James Lutheran's ongoing creative response to the pandemic. One year after moving our ministry online, we continue to gather as a church to share Christian love within this community. We are doing this in various (online and in-person) ways, which don't further spread the virus. Lord knows, I can’t wait until we are at a point that we can gather in safety without restrictions. But, sadly, we are not yet at that point.

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